
Alternative Therapies For Transitioning From One Year to the Next

1.  Make Time to be with Friends

2.  Stack Rocks

A ritual of Native American tribes as a symbol of protection, I find it fascinating to come across groups of stacked rocks wherever we go.  It's comforting to know that other's have been there, that there is a common, shared ritual, and it's peaceful and spiritual in it's simplicity.  Current meanings of stacked rocks also symbolize balance and trust.

3.  Go Sea Shelling

 Early morning is the best time for this therapy (low tide and you have to get there before the good ones are all gone).  Even if you don't keep the shells or have a use for them, the act of strolling on the beach, listening to the ocean, and focusing on this simple task, is very meditative.  And, when you find the perfect shell, full oyster, or best of all, a perfect sand dollar,  The reward is great.
Pix From Melange in Folsom

4.  Grab A Mag

My favorites are People (turn it all off and slip in to their world for a bit) and Stampington Magazines like, "Where Women Create", "Artful Blogging", and their newest one, "Mingle".  Full of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing.

5.  Get A Nice Journal and Write Your Resolutions and Plans for The New Year

Or do an art journal or story board.  Use any notebook and cover the front cover with an inspiring picture and fill the pages throughout the year with pictures, words, and photos that inspire you, things you want to do, projects you want to complete, friends you want to see, and places you want to go.  Review your journal the next year to see if your visualizations became realization.

 6.  Choose A Charity 

There are many different demands for your time and money.  Instead of feeling tapped out by giving change here and sending a few bucks there or placing something in every hand that is out, set your boundaries and select a favorite charity to really focus your time and energy on in anyway that you can.  What is important to you?  Children's Needs, Animal Needs, Women's Needs, Cancer, Alzheimer's, etc.  Set a plan to give this year.  The rewards are great.

7.  Do What You Love

8.  Start A Blog

9. Follow A Blog or Favorite on Facebook


10.  Do Not Take Yourself (or anyone else for that matter) Too Seriously

Happy New Year!

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